Thursday, March 15, 2007

Steep-and-cheap - Super deals on outdoor equpment and outdoor clothing

Steep and Cheap is a deal site, kind of like Woot, with two major differences. First, instead of gadgets, this site is about backpacking, climbing, snowboarding and skiing. So, you can find ski and snowboard bindings, packs, and high tech upscale outdoor clothing here, but no laptops, cameras or leakfrogs. Second, the deals just keep coming as soon as the old one sells out. The prices are excellent - generally 50% plus off of some pretty nice stuff. The inventory is pretty thin, so you have to jump on the good stuff right away. I notice that men's clothing on this site sells very quickly in the larger sizes (L and XL, especially), and I've really wanted an item on this site that was only left in Small by the time I got to it. Great site, excellent, quick shipping, and you can subscribe to an RSS feed if you are really into what they are selling.

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