Thursday, May 24, 2007

Winestillsoldout- another great wine site

Winestilsoldout is a bit different from Instead of a single wine deal for a week, winestillsoldout tends to have 2-3 or sometimes more wines each day, listing the current deal until it is (of course) sold out. The wines are different, too - more foreign labels and proportionately less domestic, and a tendency towards the very expensive ("Reduced from $189 to $99 a bottle!") and, paradoxically, the inexpensive (more sub $10 bottles than wine.woot, certainly). I've tended to buy the cheap ones, and they are good, even if they aren't the rockstar wines I've gotten from wine.woot. Of course, they've been $10 a bottle or so cheaper, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised!

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